Breathe Yogic Meditation

our blend of practices from Raja Yoga and the Tantras

(including Mindfulness)

“Are you focused on escaping stress and overwhelm

Or creating more of what you prefer instead?



3 ways to create more of what you want . . .

and less of what you don’t

Meditation Practice

Group classes 5 days per week are offered live, online. These Meditation sessions offer the opportunity to create stillness, connect to calm, and attune to your inherent inner peace. You will experience a variety of Meditation styles and Pranayama (breathing) practices from the Yogic and Tantric traditions, including mindfulness.


Interested in spirituality? Then Personal Songlines, focused on self-care, lifestyle, and spirituality, is my community for designed for you. Join us and bring the sacred into your daily life. Align with nature’s rhythms and life’s cycles. Stress management, Meditation, the Spiritual Arts,  Astrology, subconscious clearing, and more are a part of this journey.


Everyday Wellness. A journey to live from the heart, express your true self, embrace the way of the Divine Feminine energy, or align your frequency with higher vibrations for a greater sense of ease and fulfillment. I will design a personalized program for you aligned with your needs, goals, interests, and lifestyle. What do you want more of in your life?

Breathe Meditation Practice

In stillness, you find the strength to move mountains and the wisdom to traverse galaxies.


Breathe Meditation practices are suitable for beginners and those with experience. By offering several types of meditation, practitioners have the opportunity to experience what suits them best and use it to develop a suitable personal practice. This allows them to develop the consistency required to reap the deeper, long-lasting benefits of meditation we often hear about.

Every class at Breathe is an invitation to:

* breathe out stress and breathe in calm;

* bring balance to body, thoughts, and emotions for your overall well-being;

* retrain the mind and rewire the brain for inner harmony, focus, and clarity; and

* to connect to higher wisdom and the intuitive mind.

Accept the invitation and begin to reap the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits that regular meditation practice offers.

Have questions?

Schedule a Clarity Call with Gyanpriya.

The mind is like water.

When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.”