
Types of Meditation

Types of Meditation

There are many different types of meditation.   Most spiritual and religious traditions embrace some form of meditation as do an increasing number of practitioners in the Western and complementary medicine communities.    What all types of meditation have in common is...

Meditation Tips: Preparation

Meditation Tips: Preparation

After practicing meditation regularly for some time, you will be able to enter a meditative state at will with minimum or no preparation.  However, as you begin to develop your practice these guidelines will enhance your experience of meditation.  They establish an...

75 Benefits of Meditation

75 Benefits of Meditation

Meditation, in its gentle simplicity, brings a wealth of benefits to our lives. Physically, it helps lower blood pressure and improves sleep, making us feel more energized and refreshed. Mentally, it sharpens focus and clarity, like defogging a window to let in...

What is Yogic Meditation

What is Yogic Meditation

Most have heard of Mindfulness Meditation and different forms of Buddhist Meditation, such as Lovingkindess, but did you know that Yoga has a rich tradition of Meditation? In fact, Meditation is one of the penultimate practices of Yoga. Yoga has come to be understood...